educational enrichment programs
Art Masters is an art education program funded & organized by the PTA. It includes a monthly assembly where students learn about master artists (Monet, Picasso, etc) and in class instruction where students get to create their own artwork in that style.
Raz Kids is currently in use by lower core students at Courreges. With it, your student will access text specifically matched to their reading level. Every eBook allows your child to listen to the text, read it back at their own pace, and record themselves reading. The corresponding quiz tests comprehension and helps the teacher determine future instruction needs. Click to find out more.
Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) is a teaching philosophy that focuses on problem solving and strategies while encouraging students to solve problems in more ways than one. CGI focuses on your child truly understanding math concepts and not just memorizing facts and algorithms.
BrainPOP & BrainPOP, jr. provide hundreds of animated movies aligned to the academic standards for Science, Reading, Math, Technology and Social Studies. Each video has an interactive quiz, games and activities related to the topic. Many teachers use the videos to introduce and pique children's interest in a topic. Click to see their website.
Scholastic & Time For Kids are weekly news magazines for children and used by the teachers to teach current events. In the primary grades the topics are more seasonal, while the upper grades begin to delve in to real news and world events. Your child will receive a copy to take home. For more information click here.
Zingy Learning is a science website used in 5th grade to help our students review and reinforce the science curriculum. This program features online animated lessons with a quiz for every unit to help track student progress. More details can be found on their website.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 3
- Tuesday, March 4
- Wednesday, March 5
- Thursday, March 6
- Friday, March 7
- Saturday, March 8
- Monday, March 10
- Tuesday, March 11
- Wednesday, March 12